The journey so far

1 minute read time.

Hi All

My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer in June last year - there were no options for treatment, it is in both lungs and the tubes to the lungs and lymph nodes in the cest. Similar story where he had been going to the doctors for 2 years complaining of shortness of breath and a persistent cough - 2 years down the line they agree to an xray, then a second xray and then the devastating news. Since then they have moved house to be closer to me - they were in Wales, I am in the Highlands of Scotland, it has been good being able to be there to help, but this weekend he took a very dramatic turn for the worse, he woke on Sunday and had lost his co ordination completely - we put it down to having taken too much Oramorph and expected the symptoms to wear off - by today I am thinking it may be a small stroke as he is still confused and weak on one side, called the doctor out, and he has arranged scans in the morning - but he thinks it may be the cancer has spread to the brain. Now I am scared for the first time, as I alway thought his body would give out before his mind, He told me today that he could cope with cancer but not with this, I am at a loss, and my poor mother looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car - she looks so scared.

What comes next ? I am scared to ask but  I need to be prepared. How can I help, can anyone help .


Readin the blogs above have made me realise I am not alone, there are so many of you out there going through the same or worse - my heart goes out to you all - we are all in this select club that actually none of us want to be a member of. The next few weeks will tell and I will try and share it with you if I can.

For now my thoughts are with you all xx

  • FormerMember

    Update - well my fathers journey was a short one - who could have evr known that less than a week after being told the cancer had spread to the brain that he would pass away.

    Dad took a massive brain hemorrhage and died at home 14 hours later, its been a long week, but watching him suffer for those last couple of hours was enough to make his passing a blessing - does that sound terrible ?

    I am taking dad on his final journey home to Wales tommorrow for his funeral - lets pray that the snow stops xx

    For now goodnight and luv to you all xx