Beginning of climbing the mountain (Chemotherapy Treatment for HER 2 Negative)

  • Day 2

    Morning wirriors Well I slept so well! I really didn’t think I would.  Keeping on top of my anti sickness tabs as I have a phobia of sickness.  As expected, Chemo sent my diabetes into heywire. Luckily I came home from the hospital we...
  • Counting down

    The first shot of chemo treatment wend down on ok this morning. Still feeling ok; early days I know.  Not feeling or being sick! That’s my phobia so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.  I was surprised th quickly everything was don...
  • First day of chemo treatment

    I’ve been awake since 2am and decided to get up at 5.  Feeling anxious but happy to start the treatment too.   After visited my new workplace yesterday, I’m feeling even more positive.   I also hope the chemotherapy wo...