How did I get here.....

1 minute read time.

It all started in April 2013 with large painless swelling on my neck. Talking with collegues at work and a quick scan of the dreaded internet convinced me that this was something that could potentially be serious. Following two visits to my GP I was refered for an urgent ENT assessment at the local hospital. The appointment came through for 2 weeks into the future and rather than hang around I elected for a private examination and assessment. I had a needle biopsy which confiremd the presence of cancer cells in the swollen lymph gland. I then had the offending lymph gland removed and examined - this confirmed that I had cancer somewhere in the head and neck region. I presented these findings to the NHS ENT consultatant at my first appointment.

On 24th May the search for the primary cancer began in earnest with an endoscopy which was quickly followed by a CT scan. Meanwhile another lymph gland had swollen up to the size of half an egg, no doubt angry that its friend had been removed. On the 3rd of June it was confirrmed that I had tongue base cancer. For the technically minded I'm told that it was graded T1N2B. I was the refered to my local cancer hospital where I was to begin a programme of chemo and radiotherapy.





  • FormerMember

    Hello ... I'm sorry that you have been through treatment for tongue cancer, it is indeed a long-haul journey and the going can be very rough at times. Five years ago I had squamous cell carcinoma on the floor of my mouth with required extensive surgery followed by twenty fractions of radiotherapy ... so I too have been there.

    We have a Head and Neck Cancer group here on the site which you may like to join ... we are a friendly lot and we try to help each other, either as patients or carers. So pop over and have a look.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Ooops, almost forgot ... here's the clickable link for you.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Hazy Cosmic Jive.  Bowie fan by any chance?  Welcome to the world of blogging, but I'm sorry you've had to find yourself here.  Your story sounds similar to mine.  I was diagnosed with base of tongue cancer in March this year.  I will look out for your next posts.  I see Joycee has already given you the link for our group.  If you ever have any questions it's the place to go, Joycee and the others have been very helpful to me.  Take care xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee and Margaret,

    Thank you for your warm welcome. I will be bring the blog up to date over the next couple of days.

    Well spotted on the Bowie link Margaret....
