2 minute read time.

Well, it's been an interesting morning. Working in the art field and being an artist myself, I have many, many artist friends. They have been wonderful during my illness. If there is an upside to getting cancer, it's realizing how many incredible, caring people one has in one's life.

They are, however, fascinated by my bald head. I have one painter friend who wants to paint me nude, of course. (on canvas, not actually on me. I hope.) And I just got done with my second photo shoot with a photographer friend. We went to another friend's empty Craftsman style house that is on the market. Beautiful woodwork, lovely light, the original 1922 kitchen. I was nude, of course.

Now, let me explain... I am a 52 year old, menopausal (thank you hysterectomy) mother of 4. I just had major surgery a few months ago. I have a scar running from my lady bits up to my navel, and, because of ongoing chemotherapy, I am hairless. I have been irradiatiated, chemoed and sliced and diced. I also have a noticable protrusion above my left boob where my port is installed. Very "Alienesque" as it looks as though something is about to explode out of my chest. I don't think I am what your first thought would be when you think "nude photos". I actually look very much like a rather mangled manniquin, without the perky breasts.

Anyway, the photo shoot was a lot of fun. A little chilly, perhaps, but I'm sure the goosebumps added to the overall effect.

I don't tend to go around bald that much. For one, the Doctor said to keep my head covered, and two, I don't like the pity "head tilts" I get when people know that I have the dreaded Big C. My previous chemo was sort of nice cause I didn't lose my hair and no one could tell I was sick. Now, it's like walking around with a a marquee proclaiming "I have cancer"! I'm not sure why I care so much that strangers know. I am very open with everyone I know. Maybe I will get over it and let my freak flag fly. I actually look pretty interesting without hair. Everyone says that I have a "beautifully shaped head."

The wigs have been a lot of fun! I have 5 that I rotate. Nobody knows what I'm going to show up looking like. They are also so easy. I never have a bad hair day. I also have a friend that has knitted me a bunch of beautiful hats and another friend that has bought me some really soft, pretty ones. And she and her daughter also gave me the fun "viking" hat. Oh- and a friend from Florida brought me a shark hat. I haven't had the nerve to wear that one out of the house, yet.

I also have to tell you about my wonderful kids. I have four of em'- Mike (29), Nick (27), James (23), and Catie (20). Mike and Nick both shaved their heads in solidarity. Catie cut her hair very short... she claims that her work wouldn't let her shave her head... and James is just James and always does the opposite of everyone else. Still, he has been very supportive. I am a very lucky woman.

Now, if someone could just explain the compulsion to rub my smooth head. All my friends love to feel it and I can't stop either. My bald sons tell me the same story. What's up with that???

