Bad case of chemo brain!

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I was treated for bowel cancer last year (for a total of 14 months). It entailed overall 7 months of chemo (5 weeks of this also included radio therapy) as well as surgery to both my bowel and liver. The last cycle was 4th Feb this year (2015). For the last 2 months I have REALLY been struggling with chemo brain where I genuinely feel like I am going mad!. I cannot retain any new information and generally in daily life and at work don't think I 'get it' at all anymore!. Can anyone else out there please help me. I am a 41 year old man.

  • FormerMember


    After undergoing so much chemo it's normal to have these issues. i was diagnosed with cancer when i was in my 4th year pre-med. I experienced the same things, maybe worst. There was a time even the names of my family members were challenging for me to recall. I had anger, insomnia, depression. I screamed on people for no reason.

    Here are what helped me recover:

    To reduce my temper and have normal sleep, i grind about 7 bitter apricot kernels, add the powder in about 1/4 cup of water and take it along with two 5mg melatonin every night before going to bed. The kernels are rich in Magnesium, which relaxes the cells of the brain and muscles. I Also eat lot of quinoa for magnesium and complete protein.

    To help my brain function, i eat lot of Walnuts and other healthy fats: fresh flaxseeds (i use a grinder to grind it at home), hemp seeds, wild salmon omega-3. I avoid SUGAR and unhealthy FATS. I used Raw unfiltered honey and birch xylitol.

    I also drink fresh watercress juice daily. You need a power-juicer to prepare the juice. The watercress juice works wonders for me.

    You can beat cancer. Be a winner!

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Delarno I really appreciate your reply and I will definitely take your advise. Do you mind me asking how long your treatment as well as the chemo brain lasted please?. One of the things that makes it so scary for me is that it feels so much like its now permanently me!