Myeloma treatment and me

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My blog posts don't seem to publish only the title. I just want to say i am getting stronger after my Stem cell treatment that took place in Barts over christmas . Now eating well and on the way to recovery. Feel positive doing everyday things that make me feel part of the community again. Wish all the best.

  • FormerMember


     Hi, there Paul... great to hear from you and that you are back out from Barts and home. Was wondering how you were getting on... Hope

    Glad to hear you are feeling positive and doing some of those everyday things and hopefully taking that big puppy of yours out for some walks!

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember
    Little My lovely to see your name come up. I have got some catching up to do but i have read you have an op in march and wish you the very best with that.I don't like you having another op but am sure your tales of treatment will be as funny as so many of your posts.Will catch up promise .Hugs and respect teach xxx
  • FormerMember

    Ha haaa! Nice to see your name and your lovely pooch appearing too :)

    Did you take your lego with you to Barts? What did you build? Sorry my last post seemed to stop mid sentence.. trouble is I can't even remember what I was going to say now!!  ah well...

    I am sure there will be some funny tales to tell too, so you'd better get your strength up eh? You've got till March before the onslaught of blogs from hospital... I may even get a dongle thingy so I can write every day... be warned!

    Take care and a big hug



  • FormerMember

    Hi Paul

    Glad to hear things are looking more positive for you.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx