Round 2 ding ding...

1 minute read time.

I'm have treatment every 2 weeks,  and I have to say it's not been too bad. Yes I've been sick and my tummy will off, my tongue and taste went straight back to tasting like a mummies flip flop (that has nothing to compare against lol) - main thing which I can't deal with is pain.  Such a wuss!

The chemo for colon was totally nasty. Cold burned,  my throat would close shut and I'm still on tablets for nerve damage to fingers and toes. So like I say, prefer this one Smile

Number 2 (day 2). I'm home with the pump,  which is quite ingenious.  I'm told it needs low and slow So I can lie in bed and just relax. It's taken out on Wednesday and I'm amazed it goes so easily, time and it emptying.

My head hurts slightly and I'm tired,  but this got better over the 11 days, and as I'm sure you all have that wonderful day then..........start all over again Persevere

Either way 4 (or possibly 10) more to go. 

Back to crap TV for nowHeart
