The start of chemo

1 minute read time.
mum went for her pre chemo check today and has now been told that because she is on a liquid diet only that they are ditching the ECX type of chemo and is now having the ECF instead. She goes tomorrow to get the line fitted and then chemo starts on Friday. Have spoke to her today and I thought she would be really happy as she has wanted chemo to start for weeks but in fact she really wasn't very happy at all. I guess she just hasn't had any time to get her head round this next bit. That sounds stupid as she has known she would have chemo but as she has only been doing one day and one appointment at a time has had to wait weeks between appointment etc and has had the time to get her head round things. She only has tonight to get her head round this next step. Have had a few tears today as I was hoping to see her before treatment started but as me and my family have all been ill with colds and stuff we have to stay away so the next time I see her she will have short hair as the chemo nurse has advised her to get it cut short. She is having this done tomorrow aswell at the hairdressers. Not sure Im ready to see her with short or no hair as she has always had long hair. Thats the next bit to get my head round. I'm sure it will all be fine.