Remission well maybe not!!!

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Bert had another Bone Marrow Biopsy on Tuesday and we were supposed to get our results today. However, the aspiration was not a good one so we will have to wait until next Thusrday to get the results of the Trephine (bone) His neutrophils are dropping rapidly as is his platelets. The consultants say it does not look like it will be good news but they are not sure if it will be Leukaemia back or MDS so until next week we live in hope Love Teri
  • FormerMember

    of you Teri. Dearly hope that next weeks news turns out to be better.

    My husband began chemo today in the hope that it will put his Bladder Cancer into remission. Again, hope is all we have.


    Tricia. X

  • FormerMember

    hi teri, I cant believe what is going on, i really hope things are ok and the leaukemia is not back, you must all feel worried, i always like to find out how bert is as your blog was so useful to me when my dad was in hospital and the way he was in hospital was just like bert-not happy! I will keep everything crossed for you, please keep us informed. shelley. x