Day 70 Bertiebasetts Return Journey

1 minute read time.

Another hospital visit done, date for admission confirmed as the 7th Dec, date for Transplant confirmed as the 16th Dec It is a relief to know that it is actually going to happen because until today we were still in limbo so to speak.

Bert met with the Psychologist today which was good  as he is worried about getting to know a whole new team, He has been with his present team for 14 months and knows them all well,  we were also shown around the unit which is state of the art.

My room has almost been confirmed to enable me to stay I will get a final confirmation next week

Tomorrow Ayr Hospital Day Surgery for his Hickman Line and Saturday Crosshouse Hospital for a blood transfusion. Here's hoping we can have a rest next week. If he was feeling well enough I would have a couple of day away but I don't think he would manage as he can't get his shoes on because of 2 infected toes, not really the weather to be out in sandals or slippers. We will just have to chill out instead.

Love Teri
