Bertie Bassetts Journey through AML

1 minute read time.
We were on a much needed holiday when we got our first clue that all was not well. Bert had had Bronchitis all through our holiday and against his better judgement he went to see the Dr the day we were due to fly home. The Dr in Turkey was amazing done loads of tests and told us after only 45 mins we were told that his white cell count was really low at 1.2 and that we were to see a Dr on our arrival home. He was admitted on the 15th of September and we were given the diagnosis on the 18th the day after his 56th birthday. His count dropped rapidly to 0.1 in a couple of days but then stopped at that. The Dr had told us that his chemo would start the following week. However she changed her mind, and sent him home after 2 weeks of antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals, which was just as well as I developed Laryngitis and a chest infection. I was amazed that he never got any infection. We went to the out patient clinic 2 weeks later and were told he was stable to come back in 2 weeks. on our return we were told he had to be admitted on Mon 2nd Nov despite the fact that his blood was still stable and he was to be starten on Chemo on Tue 3rd. The 1st lot of chemo mad him look dreadful I was not expecting that. However, he did look a little better the next day although he was very breathless and had tracking up his arm where the chemo had been put in. But all of that turned out to be ok. Here we are on day 4 gutted to find out that his brothers are not match for Bone Marrow, that left him feeling very upset and down in the dumps. So we will see what tomorrow brings Goodnight
  • FormerMember

    HI Teri, You do sound so exhausted, I so hope you manage to catch some good winks tonight, remember you have been poorly yourself so are bound to feel tired. I am pleased to see Bert looks physically better, amazing what a bit of blood can do! Might Bert be interested in some puzzles, you know the wooden 3D ones or those akin to Rubiks cube, there are so many variations. Puzzles books are another option that can be picked and left, picked up and left. Please do not give up on a donor, new potential comes onto the database daily, and as I said after the initial irony of the system fiding my brother himself, and then a long delay 3 were found, not previously located - so hang in there and also persuade everyone you can to become a donor!

    Sleep tight, lots of love, Debbie xx

  • FormerMember

    HI Debbie You are right I am so tired but once I get over this chest infection I should be fine.The Consultants have changed their minds again and he has not to have a PICC line this time maybe next time I have said to the nursing staff that I am completely exasperated with the way they keep xhanging theim minds he gets so uptight when they they tell him they are going to do these things then they change their minds. The Nurse I spoke to (a student) who was looking after him said she will pass on all my concerns to them and someone will have a word. I have specifically asked not to speak to the Junior Drs as they told my daughter a lot of nonsense the last time I don't know whose notes they had been reading but they were not his as she could not even get the cycle of Chemo that he was on correct. I am losing all confidence in them.

    Will speak soon

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Hi Teri

    I know what you mean about the nurses giving the wrong info, or lack of it. When I rang, it was a waste of time.

    It is so annoying that you can't always get a good enough answer out of them and then they see so many different docs etc, that they all say different things.

    I hope Bert is doing ok today. Have they said if his white cells are coming back?

    My mum is on her last day of chemo today and it's a strong one. She feels poorly today and dad says she is struggling to sleep like last time she was in.

    There were some thugs at Christies a few days ago and they were throwing stones at her window. They smashed the security light and dad told the security people.

    Not sure if anything has been done though.

    Just wish she could come home soon.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Binnie

    I spoke to the ward sister today as I was still upset about the fact that the Dr got the cycle of chemo wrong ( she told my daughter ther her dad was on his 3rd cycle and on a trial) and he is only on his 2nd cycle and he is not on a trial that was eating away at me because I thought if they cannot get the basic facts right then what else have they got wrong. She assured me that it was a mistake and he is inly on his 2nd cycle (as if I didn't know that). she spoke to us for a while and sorted some of the stuff out but I can't really blame her for lack of common courtesy from nursing staff. She did however tell me just to ask for any information I wanted to know. I don't think she is seeing it from my point of view though they keep telling me different things. but I will wait and see how I get on. I'm sorry your mum is not sleeping thugs throwing stones at her window wont really help. Is she getting home for a couple of days or are they going to keep her in for recovery

    Love to all Teri

  • FormerMember

    Well I hope you get the right info from now on Teri. I have to rely on my dad for info as I can't get to the hospital most of the time and he won't let me visit anyway,

    All I know is mum is in remission and has just finished her chemo tonight. She could have come home, but the doctor wants her to stay in then they can keep an eye on her as last time she has the bad infection.

    I suppose it's better that way. Though mum can't wait to get home.

    I'm dreading next week, I will be on tenterhooks. Hopefully dad will give us good news.

    All the best Teri to you and Bert
