3 years

Less than one minute read time.

It was 3 years ago today that Bert was diagnosed with his AML. he fought hard struggled through his chemo which caused all sorts of problems. He achieved remission and we were delighted. However, exactly a year later to the day he relapsed. Devastated was an understatment. They found him a Bone Marrow Donor and got him into remission yet again. We went to the Beatson in Glasgow the week after they told us he was in remission to prepare for his pre transplant chemo, only to be told that "you have active Leukaemia in your blood, go home you will be lucky if you have weeks left".

He lasted 12 weeks his last 2 weeks he was so heavily sedated he did not even know I was with him and he passed away on the 25th Feb 2010.


I still miss him so much almost 20 months later, xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Teri,

    Has it been 3yrs. God how the time has passed so quickly

    I hope you are keeping well. Of course you still miss him after what you two had to go through together. I will never forget the blogs you wrote. They will stay with me forever.


    Take care and be safe Teri Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    He fought a bloody hard fight Teri, I remember reading your latter blogs with sadness.

    I doubt you will ever stop missing him but I hope that now you remember more of the good times you had together than the bad.......cos a man like Bert must have made lots.

    Love & strength as always, Debs xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Jackie and Debs, I came away for the weekend because it was his birthday and I did not want to be home alone. I think I made the right decision as I  been ok sad but ok
