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Hi Everyone

Was diagnosed in December 2012 with Melanoma - had  the mole from my leg removed then further surgery and was advised they had caught it all.

5 Weeks ago found a lump in my groin Biospy found it was Melanoma that had spread into my Lympth Node.

Just had surgery 2 weeks ago to remove all Lympth Nodes in my groin and awaiting the results to see if it has spread into any of the others.

Got my appointment with my consultants tomorrow and i am so scared and worried as the internet seems to only take about negative side of Melanoma.

Has anyone else been through this as would love to hear from you.





  • FormerMember

    Hello Kerry,

    I had a groin and pelvis dissection in 2007 following the discovery of a big old lump of melanoma in my groin.  I'd had my primary melanoma removed in 1996 and I had a local recurrence and WLE in 2006.  So I took my time getting to where you're at now.  I remain, at this time and with fingers crossed, NED, which if you're not yet up with the lingo means "no evidence of disease".

    Googling melanoma is never a good move, especially as most of the sites you'll be directed to are in America.  [edited]

    Hope to see you there.

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kerry Gabby i to am waiting results of my lymphnode biopsy this week i had 1.3 breslow depth with clark level iv invasive nodular melanoma not really sure whats ahead of me ?? what breslow thickness or clark level where you ?? once the lymph nodes are gone you can be fairly possitive of good results from here out must have been terrified interested though as to why they did not catch this earlier !!!
