April is the cruellest month

1 minute read time.

Have tried to write this several times.

April - one minute warm sunshine, glad to leave winter behind then driving cold sleet, grey clouds and yuk. 

One minute we were celebrating the results of my husband's scan half-way through chemo, then Bam. Take that, you silly humans! Thought you'd escaped, didn't you. You don't get away from me so easily. Can't even begin to explain what's happened over the past couple of weeks. I'll just say that the end of chemo scan wasn't great & husband (my hero, my hard-working gutsy Kiwi who has fought so much and has such warrior spirit) is starting 5 days of radiotherapy to zap some pestilential lymph nodes which have grown during the last 3 cycles of chemo.

Still trying to be hopeful, but in reality the choices are narrowing. If I'm totally honest and stare the enemy in the face, then what I know will happen one day is not going away. 

So we are spending a few days trying to get our heads round things. I am having tearful conversations with the family and so on and so on..............

Will write something positive next time, but just had to get this out of the system....

Little Jen

  • FormerMember

    Oh Little Jen, my fellow little person,

    have a huge huge hug  from me. xxxxxxxxxxxx

    The RT may work well and don't give up yet please. Plenty of people around who are defying odds etc.

    i don't know all the ins and outs of his situation etc so can't really comment,  so just sending you so many positive vibes and the biggest of hugs

    Lots of love

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen

    I'm sorry to hear your husband's had a setback. I won't say I know how either of you feel, since obviously I don't, but I've just had a setback of my own, so I'm guessing you're in a similar anger/fear/WTF headspace.

    I'll hope for good results from the radiotherapy, and send hugs and positive vibes in the meantime.

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    Thank you for your hugs and good wishes. Will email you. Good to hear from you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Hilary

    Thank you so much for your hugs and good wishes.

    I'm sorry you are also in this weirdly horrible headspace and sorry to hear about your setback. Hope your treatment goes well for you and hope the pain relief is working.

