9 months post operation

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The good news first, my incontinence issue is finally getting better to the point where it is very mild. As long as I do not over-exert myself, I stay dry. I am not so confident as to not wear pads but I am getting there.

I received the results of my last blood test, hoping for a PSA <0.01, but I got a value of 0.02, not high but not what I was hoping for, now I will have to wait another three months to see if the trend remains upwards a very stressful time. I did manage to see a doctor about the results but did not come away with anything positive.

Obtaining an erection is still a problem, I am on my second set of pill type so it's a wait and see, all this waiting is so frustrating.

So, summing the last three months up, although there have been some positives, by far the issue that is causing me concern is the PSA value, when I first saw the value my heart dropped, I took a few days to recover but I am now back on the track of trying to live my life to the full. 
