The forecast was rain ...

1 minute read time.

...but still nothing! Outside, that is. Anyone remember Buddy Holly, "Raining in my Heart"? That's how it is with me today - no warning, just crash, chin on the floor. I've even gone and dropped two tea-plates just now on a tiled floor, so the bits are only good for draining-crocks in flower-pots. Normally I'd be annoyed but philosophical, but today it's a disaster for me of Titanic magnitude - shrieking, tears... Why?

It's not as if I've long to go on the chemo, just one more session on Friday - an top-up - then 4 weeks' peace before I see the oncologist, have an x-ray and then fingers crossed get passed back to the surgeons for follow-ups.

So why do I feel so down? tired, yes, after a mammoth 12 hour chemo session last Friday when everything that could go wrong did, from drugs being 2 hours late to collapsed veins & frantic efforts to find somewhere to put the cannula. All par for the course really, I shouldn't have been surprised, but it was so frustrating.

Excuse this self-indulgent whining, I just needed to let it out. I know other people, especially younger ones, are facing far worse than me and I do wish you all the strength, luck & love there is to see you through. I feel for you. Can anyone feel for me - pleeeez?!!! Just a little bit?   

  • Do feel free to have a good moan - that's what this site is for after all! Yes, I remember Buddy Holly (showing my AGE) and the lyrics do sum up how you're feeling.

    Sometimes just writing it down helps to get  the negative feelings out of your system.

    Hope things improve soon.


  • FormerMember

    Thanks, Kate, good to know there's someone else around who remembers those B.H. lyrics!

    Maybe tomorrow will be better; we must live in hope, after all

    Love & hugs, Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    I really feel for you annie; why is it we are all told to put our shoulders back, chin up and be strong - yes, its a good idea but sometimes we are knocked right back down into the dark - I think its important to be there sometimes so don't apologise, you are not whining, you are being normal.  I send you a hug but most of all I hope you can hug yourself and forgive yourself as you are entitled to feel down.  I know from experience though, this time will pass and  you will go on, so feel whatever you want but try and do something nice for yourself  - a nice bath, put on your pjs and sit in the garden if its not raining or, simply allow yourself this day of darkness.  Tomorrow's a whole new day.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks, Ann, I do feel a bit better this evening after a nap earlier on. Odd, isn't it, how one day you can feel things are bearable & the next they're all just too much?

    Good of you to send such an encouraging reply, I do appreciate it.

    Love & hugs, Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Late to the party, but lots of hugs from me.