Macmillan Fundraising Night - Rotherham

1 minute read time.

Hi Im Angela,

In February this year my whole world fell apart when my lovely mum found out she had ovarian cancer. After a long journey she is now being so brave having Chemotherapy at Weston Park Hospital. She never complains and always puts others before herself. Thats why I have decided to raise money for this fantastic charity:
Join in this fundraising night which is raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. The event is being held at the Carlton Park Hotel, Moorgate Road, Rotherham. Friday 1st July 2011 at 7PM. DJ specialises in Soul and Motown. Ticket price £16.95.

For further information about the event and tickets please contact Angela on 07902 155 618 or email|. You are able to get tickets online at|

My Mum will be coming so if you, your family or friends want to join us to raise money for Macmillan please come along.

Thanks for reading my blog

Angela :)

  • FormerMember

    Handed out 100 flyers and donation letters to businesses yesterday..let me just say if your thinking of putting on an event dont do it on your own the only thing keping me going is when I see mums face knowing its for a good cause. However the event organising will be put on hold tomorrow as its my mums Chemo day and I know how poorly she was last month with the treatment. At least Im prepared this time, the first time we really didnt know what to expect but this time we are prepared for the side effects...well as much as you can be but I wonder if they will be the same or do they get worse the more you have it....?

    Anyway guess we will know tomorrow.

    Angela :)

  • FormerMember

    Well my mums chemo went really well just a few stomach problems which Im guessing is the norm. Getting lots of donations in now. For the raffle this week I have been donated tickets to see a Rotherham United game, meals for two, wine and spirits. I am over the moon at the generosity of people its fantastic. However, I have not been able to get out taking my donation letters this week as I was involved with a collision with a lorry. Luckily I managed to get out and everything is fine but my fundraising plans are behind so Im going to have to pull out all the stops to catch up. Tickets are selling well 80 have been sold up to date which is great. Anyway mum has to have one more operation in a few weeks time then its back thru the big scanner so these next few weeks are gonna be tough.

    Angela :)