Thoughts from the frontline - 110

4 minute read time.

At last... Friday is here again! It only seems like yesterday that I last blogged on here but it was over a week ago in reality. Where has the time gone? 

Now I have to look at my diary to remind myself what has happened... Oh I remember :-)

I spent last Thursday in good old Ebbw Vale (hi to all my friends from Wales) where I squeezed three meetings into one day. Fingers crossed that some more work comes out of it because I do like the company when I'm there. Hopefully I will be able to tell you all more shortly but would appreciate you all keeping your fingers crossed for us! (who knows what the up and coming "emergency budget" will bring)

So it was there and back in one day and Friday saw me tucked away in my little office and trying not to fall asleep at my desk. I did succeed but at times... well you know what I mean ;-)

But Friday was great as it was off to a dear friends 60th birthday party set to a West Indies theme with even goat curry and jerk chicken on the menu! Sadly however I couldn't partake in the old alcohol as I was still on antibiotics. Oops I didn't tell you about that did I? Well... earlier in the week I'd bitten the inside of my lip (I know - it's an age thing) and then I go and bite it again a day later. Well Wednesday night to Thursday morning it decides to expand in anger and I woke up with one side of my mouth looking like I'd been in a fight.

However I am happy to report that T and I hadn't had a row and it was just an infection where I had bitten myself. But what could I do? I had to drive down to Wales! And I was doing three meetings!

It was hard. I was slurring my speech and getting strange looks from the other people attending. But I was brave and carried on. But it was hell. Every time I tried to drink some water it fell out of my mouth and down my chin! It didn't look that professional and I felt a fool having to explain my state to all these important people who had come to see my big presentations. I'm so glad nobody had a camcorder to fill a slot on You've Been Framed!

So when I got back from Wales it was off to see the emergency doctor as my lip by now had swollen even larger. I looked mighty strange by then. And no I didn't take any photos to put up on here!

But wow I do love the NHS. Left home at 8.30 for a twenty min drive to the hospital when I saw the doc within about 5 mins. A quick examination then off to the local Sainsbury's to get my prescription of antibiotics. Thankfully their pharmacy is oven until ten during the week. And I was home by ten past ten! A result :-)

And that was why I couldn't drink at the party. But the party was still fab fun and a great way to start the weekend.

The weekend was all about sorting the house out as we were having a new wood floor put down on Monday. Now we live in a little 2 bed cottage and where do you put things when you need to clear a room? That's right - down the local tip! And that is why I spent Sunday cutting up a three piece sofa so that I could get it through the door and into the back of my car. It was fun in a very strange way... :-)

Monday morning came and the floor man came. 90% completed but he still had to come back to put on the last coat of protective stuff and finish off a couple of architraves so we couldn't start to put our living room back to normal.

And it's still like that now. Oh the floor man has finished but we now have the decorator in to repaint the whole of the living room and hall.. and then the bedrooms and then the stairs and landing! So no peace for us for a while. The house looks a tip with everything in the wrong rooms and the prospect of living like hermits in our own house until it's all is finished is daunting.

Our new bed has come but it's currently in the shed. The painter is on target to get the living room finished before the new sofas come on Tuesday. The kitchen is an obstacle course and the cats think we have gone mad. Perhaps they are right...?

I keep telling myself that it will be good when it's finished but it's all crazy at the moment :-)

Will we have a restful weekend? Who knows!

Andrew xx

  • FormerMember

    oh dear andrew - hope your fat lip is soon better

    and you have my deepest sympathy for living upside down :( me too !!!! my sofa is still in my friends garage ...... my bedroom furniture still at my cousins in another county ....... and boxes of what??? in my daughters loft .....but weve still got rooms to decorate and carpets to lay .....oooops !!!! hahaha .....stops life being boring tho eh?

    love to u n T


  • FormerMember

    but it will all be worth it in the end!

    Angela xx

  • FormerMember

    And the housewarming party is.............?

    Georgia xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Andrew,

    Just waiting for the house warming invitation in the Post. Watch that lip.

    Take care and be safe.Sarsfield.

  • I originally hail from Tredegar (almost next door to Ebbw Vale) and I am the first to admit that area ain't the prettiest place in the world! At least they've flattened the slag heaps since I lived there.

    Hope your lip (and your house) are better soon.
