Thoughts from the front line - 112

1 minute read time.

Where does the time go?

I have just seen that it was way back on June 21st that I posted my last blog. So this is a catch up of the last couple of months.

All has been well on the health side and I am still smiling at not having to have another scan until the end of October. This will be my first 6 month gap between scans and it feels good but it also can make you feel a bit nervous... a whole 6 months without anybody checking to see if the nasty stuff has come back or not!

But apart from that life is good. Just passed my one year post operation last Friday and we went out for a wonderful meal to welcome in "year two". Think I will get fireworks when I get to the next milestone and celebrate in style :-)

Work on the Bladder Cancer Support Uk charity is going well and the local Chilterns branch has now formally been set up and we have some great new people on board to help things grow. Early days yet, but we might even have local branches in the North East and Dorset soon.

The fundraising is going well and we are just about to place the order to create our new UK wide website which will have it's own forum, blog space etc.

We has also quietly started the telephone helpline following a request from the Rarer Cancers Foundation. Hope it's not too long before we can shout this new service from the rafters!

To any new faces here in Macland and want to know more about the charity we have a page on Facebook that welcomes all. Just log on and search for Bladder Cancer Support UK and join us.

Love to you all

Andrew xx
