The story so far!

3 minute read time.

23/12/13 - Nothing to worry about.

It was a regular doctors appointment but just happened to mention the lump.  Her poker face was rubbish!  She was going to refer me just to be on the safe side.  Next day- I received a call from the hospital with an appointment for 31/12/13 and an apology for the Christmas holidays.

31/12/13 - Dr Jmor's associate, Ormskirk Hospital

Gav is with me while I go through the examination and have 2 extractions done, I was sent for a mammogram and an ultra sound 3 further extractions done (now including the lymph glands).  Waited around and went back to DR who advise I have cancer.  Bloods done, and sent to X-ray for a body scan.  At last I can go home. 

Telling your family is the hardest thing, the kids wanted to stay with my mum and dad as planned but I don't feel like celebrating New Year.

6/1/14 - Back to work

I realise i'm not a private person!  I think I have just about told everyone!! not for the sympathy, but for the fact it does actually happen when you least expect it.  All this sitting around doing nothing is worrying me.

7/1/14 - Dr Jmor, Ormskirk Hospital

Gav came he is a really nice man, just confirmed that its going to be 8 round of chemo to shrink the cancer I will loose the nipple, then the chop, then radiotherapy. Talked about reconstruction but that's not even an option till my skin has healed.

13/1/14 - Dr Jmor, Treatment Centre Ormskirk Hospital

Mum came to this appointment with me and im actually glad, she thinks im hiding details from her so I don't upset anyone.  Its confirmed I have cancer stage 3 in the lymph glands as I expected,  They drop the bombshell "we need to arrange a CT scan to check for secondary cancer".  I felt physically sick at no point did I think it could be anywhere else.  I was going to beat it, it was going to be easy! now im not so sure. 

The week coming up to the scan was my worse, every ache and pain was it was there eating me up.  I discussed with Gav the fact I might die, we need to make a Will.  This was not a nice prospect but I am thinking practically! 

15/1/14 - CT scan, Ormskirk Hospital

Good grief, that was horrid!! the scanning woman said I would feel warm and feel like I have wet myself when it runs through... God did it

20/1/14 - Dr Neville-Webbe, Clatterbridge Chemo specialist at Southport Hospital

Good news!!!! I don't have secondary cancer,  woohoo!!! bring it on!! she asked did I work with asbestos? spray paints? glues etc? my cancer has been brought on my toxins!!! but I do have cyst on my ovary, heyho is that all!?. booklets, leaflets, forms you name it, iv signed it, read it.  who cares im going to get fixed!!  Had to go for a ECG to check my heart is still beating. Yup all is fine!!  Some ladies who were in before and after me are still there too.  Very red eyed and sheepish.  I feel like I have won the lottery.

That afternoon I went to look at wigs, lets just say im not going back to that shop!

23/1/14 - Last day in work

All the kids have been told in class, there has been tears and parents ringing in concern.  Its the right thing to do, its weird if I disappear from school one day and someone takes my place the next.

24/1/14 - Clatterbridge Unit on Tesco carpark

Gav was with me for the chat, just confirmed most things. More leaflets!  Really nice people.  Dr Neville-Webb called in to say hi.


Tomorrow is chemo day, im feeling really positive.  Hopefully I will sail through it!

  • FormerMember

    Morning Andrea, Have no idea if you have been reading any of the posts on the Breast C group but if you haven't it maybe worth your while joining and posting a new discussion with a brief intro about you and your treatment regime so we can reply to give you friendly help through chemo as you are bound to have concerns and questions that will need put your mind at ease. Your blog is great but it's not answering any worries, we'd love you to pop in and say hi! there are loads of us willing to guide you through this.

    Take care,  George & Jackie