And another funny thing......

  • Toilet obsession part 2

    I have appreciated the comments on the last post. Reassuring to know that others have similar tales.

    Yesterday was chemo day and the lovely staff are always keen to check I am emptying out - to the point of adding to my obsession.

    The routine is tricky. Unplug the pump, wheel it carefully way across the room to the loo carefully avoiding the randomly placed desk chairs, trollies and bins as well as trying not to rip the…

  • Biggest laugh for weeks!

    Last night I was kept awake ....something made me laugh for longer than I have in ages and it didn’t involve my story.

    We were settling to sleep when lovely husband says ‘There’s something weird on my lower back, feels like a scab or something’

    After much shuffling around he decided to get up and nip to check it out in the bathroom mirror. 

    I was almost asleep when the bedroom light went on and…

  • I’m still laughing!

    It’s been almost 2 months since I last blogged.

    It might seem like I have had a dreary time with nothing even remotely amusing to write about.

    The truth is that following the end of radiotherapy I was so exhausted I couldn’t be bothered! The 2 weeks after treatment ended were tough. And then there was Christmas and the kids were home which was lovely. And then I just got out of the habit!

    So life after treatment…

  • Organise a Macmillan Coffee Morning....and get everyone else to do the work!

    I have for the last 12 years or so organised a Macmillan Coffee Morning in the village.

    I had already got my kit and planned the event for this coming Friday.

    Posters and invites went out, ads in the newsletter etc so it’s happening! Only problem is I can’t be there! Lovely husband is looking through his favourite cake recipes as I write and with the help of a friend mass production is about to start!

    I shall…

  • I can see my feet - progress!

    After my surgery I seem to still be quite bloated and swollen in the lower abdomen. I did have lymph nodes removed on both sides so this is to be expected. But this morning in the shower I suddenly realised when I looked down I could actually see my feet!

    What a sense of achievement this has brought to my day - totally ridiculous! 

    In other news - Macmillan Coffee Morning raised £210.30 which for a tiny village population…