What a way to spend your birthday.....

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Yesterday was my birthday.

Instead of the usual early morning singing down the phone from various family members which is the norm I was up very early for a planning CT scan. As the early morning traffic around the hospital ( not my local ) is notoriously bad we set off at silly o’clock.....and arrived an hour and a half too early! How do you judge these things?

Got in at appointed time only for the team to decide I needed longer after the surgery for things to settle! Somewhat frustrating but took it on the chin. As my surgeon was running a clinic he was asked to check me out and very kindly squeezed me into his busy schedule.

When he appeared the nurse with me pointed out that it was my birthday he said, ‘Would you like a biscuit? That’s all I can offer’

He did however give me a really nice birthday present.....he removed all my stitches. 

I can now move around more easily and can sit more comfortably.

All his will probably change when further treatment starts, but for now I’m happy.
