Watch where you are putting that needle!

Less than one minute read time.

5 weeks of radiotherapy started yesterday and today was first of 5 weekly doses of chemotherapy.

Each of these unknown new experiences is very daunting so I presented myself this morning with slightly wobbly legs.

As with all my experiences since this journey began, everyone I met was just lovely. The nurse who I was to spend most of the day with was great and explained everything she was about to do. She walked away to get various bits and bobs and promptly went flying over a very large yellow bucket which was placed under a leak in the ceiling. There was also a large warning cone next to it which went flying in the opposite direction. Luckily no harm done just a lot of noise. 

In the next 10 minutes the same lovely nurse managed to ping her pen across the room twice, knocked a tray of equipment over, dropped papers and kicked the drip bucket again!

Then she was heading for my arm with a needle to set up the line for my treatment! 

And I thought I felt nervous when I signed in......that was nothing!
