25 days being cooked!

1 minute read time.

I haven’t added to my blog for a while - not because I haven’t had a laugh along the way but because after 25 days of radiotherapy plus the weekly chemo dose I have been too shattered to write it down.

Today should have been my final radiotherapy session but due to machine breakdown yesterday was cancelled. It felt like a bitter blow but I got over it and now have a Saturday session so tomorrow will be the final one. I cannot wait.

The team looking after me each day have been lovely, patient and so very kind and I will miss their little smiling faces.

Today I had a review with the doctor - not one I had seen before as he had been on leave. He was great and felt very comfortable with him. When he examined me he asked for a chaperone and In  came the dear little lady doctor I have been seeing.

Now the room we were in is like a cupboard! A bed with a curtain at an angle to cover the door and a desk. 3 people can’t move around at the same time so whilst I was painfully getting myself on the bed behind the curtain, the additional doctor had to wait outside.

After, I was getting dressed behind the curtain and the doctors were chatting to me. The lady doctor opened the door to leave just as I bent to get my leg in my trousers when I biffed her with my back end through the curtain and sent her flying out the door! All I could hear was her giggling outside which of course made me laugh and the other doctor too.

What was interesting was the look on people’s faces in the waiting area as 2 doctors and a patient came out laughing like idiots!
