My latest news..........

1 minute read time.
It seems a long time since I posted on here.....but looking back it was directly after I had a drain at the beginning of treatment no 6. Four sessions later and my count has not gone down, and yesterday I had another 5.5 litres drained! Meanwhile we have been away 3 times in the new motorhome and I had my trip to Buckingham palace with most of my granddaughters, the ( the youngest living in Los Angeles and only being a year old didn't really miss a lot.). But... America are coming at last and arrive on Tuesday evening, and I get my cuddle with her at last. It was lovely going out with the girls, and they had whale of a time, especially the golf buggy across the front of the palace forecourt!! As I say, the family arrive from America so next week, starting with the oncologist on Monday, will be pretty busy. I hope my health can cope as I the rest of my family will be staying with us to get to know the cousins from LA. Meanwhile, after having the drain I have some pains I never experienced after the last drain, anybody else had a problem with discomfort after drainage? Hope it clears up over the weekend. My husband is busy cleaning the house ready for the onslaught , so I'm doing the dusting!!!!!t
  • FormerMember

    Hope it all clears up in time for the visit -  but I know having all your family around you will give you the extra special boost you need.


    Jan xx

  • FormerMember
    My family have arrived safely, but unfortunately I had bad news from the oncologist the day before....... Treatment is not working, and he has no more to offer me!! He is contacting royal marsden to see if they have anything for me, otherwise it is back to the two chemos that have given me some relief. I have had a ct scan to see what it shows now, he thinks it may have gone to the bowel, but I think those pains may just have been the result of the drains. Fingers crossed. Hopefully I may have some news before the kids go back to Los Angeles.
  • FormerMember

    Let's hope something more can be found and done to allow you to continue the holidays you have been having etc.  Enjoy having the family.

    Big hugs,

    Jan xx