An 80% Success Story

5 minute read time.

Hi guys,

I’m new to this forum and would like to share my family's success (to date) story with anyone who is interested. I hope this is the appropriate place to post.  
I’m a British expatriate living in Indonesia. I came out here about 9 years ago to teach English and got married to a local girl with whom I now have a 7 year old son.
My wife’s mother was diagnosed with Stage III Endometrial (Uterine) cancer 5 months ago. She was suffering quite badly at the time, as she also had a fluid build up in the abdomen caused by the tumor blocking part of her lymphatic system.

Eating, sleeping, resting and doing any kind of physical activity were all very difficult for her. Her doctor was extracting a couple of liters of fluid from her abdominal cavity every few days. No sooner had they drained the fluid, than the cavity started filling up again.

My mother-in-law is 66, which here in Indonesia is considered fairly old. The oncologist at our local hospital prescribed her with a round of Chemotherapy, and the poor lady suffered badly for it. Her loss in appetite and ability to sleep were only worsened due to the nauseating effects of the therapy. Also, the fluid build up in her abdomen continued as before, with no signs of slowing.

Because the Chemo hit her so hard, my wife and I started looking for other ”less harsh” forms of treatment. We ended up spending most of our savings trying different things and all with no tangible results.

Finally, someone in my wife’s workplace recommended a local herbologist to us. We discussed going to see him a few times, but because his clinic is quite far from where we live, and also because we had gotten no results from previous herbal remedies, we kept putting it off. Eventually Mama became bed ridden, refusing to go back to the hospital and adamant about not doing any more Chemotherapy. With things looking as bad as they did and with our options limited, my wife and I eventually took the 3 hour, heavily pessimistic drive, to go see the “herbal guru”.

At the clinic we shared Mama’s test results and explained the details of her condition. The herbologist very quickly  wrote up a prescription for a 1 month, 3 part course for some of his "home made meds". Great, I thought, another $500 down the drain.

I’m sorry  for sounding cynical, but with the lack of results from natural remedies so far, I just wasn’t willing to believe that this would be any better.

However, I saw the look of desperation in my wife's eyes and thought, what the heck. Even if it doesn’t work at least we will have tried (and I won’t be sleeping on the sofa tonight!)
Now this is where the story gets a bit ridiculous, and if I could tell in any differently I would, but since this is exactly what happened then this is all I have...

We got home later that day and explained to Mama that she would need to take 3 types of medicine - 3 times a day. She did so obediently and on the morning of day 3 surprised us all at the breakfast table when she came downstairs saying that she was hungry.
In disbelief my wife made her a light breakfast, which she ate most of and then went back up to bed. The next day she got up again, told us that she was feeling much better and didn’t want go back to bed. By the end of the first week the swelling in her abdomen was noticeably reduced (she hadn’t gone back to the doctor for a fluid extraction since starting this course of medicine) and her appetite, sleeping habits and daily routine activities were all pretty much resumed.

At the end of the first month we consulted the herbologist again telling him of her improved condition, and asked whether we should conduct any tests to see where the cancer was at. He told us not to bother and prescribed a 2nd month course of the same 3 med combo, saying to do an ultrasound at the end of that month.

At  the end of the 2nd month we went back to the oncologist who had given us the initial diagnosis and did the scan. Mama’s tumor, which was quite large on the initial ultrasound, was now about ¼ the original size. The oncologist stared at the results in disbelief and asked us what on earth we had given her. I just shrugged and said it was obviously better than the Chemo that he prescribed.
Anyway.. that is all I have so far. We are now at the end of month 3. The tumor is still there, but again, further  decreased in size.
Since the first month of this treatment there has been no more fluid build up in her abdomen. The doctor says that there is still fluid there, but not enough to cause any abdominal swelling or to need to be removed manually.

Speaking to the herbologist again, he has told us that it can take anywhere from 5 to 12 months of his treatment for the cancer to be fully eradicated. He also mentioned that once the cancer is gone that they will need to conduct a “neutralization process” which stops it from coming back. I don’t yet know what that involves exactly, but I will keep adding to this post with any updates that we have.

For now we are all just very grateful that Mama is back to normal. Kevin (our son) prefers her cooking to his mothers, and Dewi (my wife) is secretly happy that she doesn’t have to do the housework by herself anymore!

Me, I’m just glad I didn’t skimp on the cash a couple of months back  – phew.. :)

Cheers for now,
Jim & Fam
