Day 1

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on wednesday May 3rd Amy woke to find a ambulance at her door, her blood test the previous day had come back that she needed to get to hospital ASAP, littl did we know that things would turn out the way they have,  She was seen in A&E and immediatley transfered to the oncology ward, There they told her she needs to be kept in, She has  7 children the youngest being only 4 months, then she has a 3 year old, a 6 year old a 9 year old a11 year old a 14 year old and a 20 year old, the 20 year old being pregnant, 

Day 2 a bone marrow test, poor Amy her blood is so bad shes bleeding from everywhere they stick her, her bone marrow test for her so far has been the hardest

Day 3 the unofficial offical diagnosis, being taken into the family room to be told you have bone marrow cancer is hard, family ask questions but its a ll a blur, not one of us recall what was said apart from the fact she has cancer, I personally have not cried yet, everyone including amy have but one of us has to stay strong, im her mother, have i done something wrong when she was a child? is it my fault? who has had cancer withing the family? what the hell do we do now? how do i care for my child when shes a adult?? loads of questions, most of which the answer i know is no,but i cant help feeling its my fault. 

Day 4 partner has to try to bring baby everyday, even though she's not allowed on the ward, i let Amy down because i dont visit, wonder how many more times im going to feel guilty, you know its not even like she had no visitors but I DIDNT go. this is going to be a long journey, i just pray her saying she will fight for her kids and grandchild are enough.I will add more days as we go on, but right now, the battle has just begun, they will know more on the 9th, and we will find out how the battle ground looks
