My dad goes into the hospital to start chemo for aml tomorrow

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Well my dad goes in the hospital tomorrow to start his chemo for aml.  My family and I are very nervous and scared.  I am sure it will be really bad but hoping it goes ok.  He is very strong.  Good luck dad we love you.

  • FormerMember

    Hello sonofami,

    I have had 7 sessions of chemo,please try and not worry,the actual process of having chemo is not too bad at all.Your dad will probably feel really tired about 2 days after the chemo,tell him not to fight it just relax and accept the fatigue.After a week he should start to feel better.Unfortunately as the chemo goes on he will get even more tired but as I said just try and not worry about the fatigue.

    I wish your dad,you and your family all the best..

  • FormerMember

    He started his chemo today.  Feeling ok taking two drugs for three days and then one drug for three days next week.  They are suppose to be really powerful drugs though.  

  • FormerMember

    he has had all his chemo.  he is very tired.  he will get a bone marrow test in about a week and that will tell us how successful it was.  So far he seems to of not had any complications yet ,but i hear the next week he will be the most critical since his numbers are so low.  thanks for your replies.

  • FormerMember

    Well my dad is at home now.  I think he did very well in the hospital.  Doctors said three to five weeks depending on how he did and he got out in three weeks.  Did not get any infections, but we went fishing the week before and where he got sun the chemo burned really bad.  The doctor told him to stay out of the sun, but i don't think he thought it would be that bad.  Like I said he is home now everything much better his numbers are coming up nicely.  Will be home for about three or four more weeks then another bone marrow test and that will let us know whats next.  Had bone marrow test when he left the hospital and that came back no cancer, but his blood test the other day showed blast cells and the three blood tests after that did not show any.  I guess this is why they will do consolidation chemo later.  I think the doctor ultimately wants to do a stem cell transplant.  He said that is the cure.  Whatever that means.  All I know is it is like a roller coaster ride.  I watch my dad do good then he gets bad news or he does bad then he gets good news.  I just try to live one day at a time and get him to do the same.  Wish my dad well and all of you!  Happy Fathers Day Dad I love you!