Really hope to Quit Smoking this year!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Shame on me..................I know!!!!!!

Nearly did not get to bring in the New Year as my hubby,Victor, was admitted to Altnagelvin Hospital with pain and tightness in his chest! He has a history of heart problems, Heart attack 1995, 6months later byepass heart surgery at the Royal Brompton in London! Stent to another artery  5 months ago and he still has unstable angina and type 2 Diabetes to contend with!

Blood tests showed no sign of another heart attack however, he was kept in overnight to be observed and he was discharged at 5.30 on NY'S eve with an appointment to the Cardic clinic to be arranged, Phew, I was so worried!

Back to the smoking,hmmmmmm!

What planet have I been living on, eh!!

OMG, 2 years post-treatment and still smoking!

Well hubby gave them up after his heart attack and he was a very heavy smoker ,40 a day!!

My turn, again! and this time for good, I hope!

I'm going to use this blog to take my withdrawal symtoms out on so please excuse the swearing, however politely, I disguise it!

If I was able to fight Mr Cancer then surely I can take on Mr Nicotene,the side effects will be nowhere near as bad!!

To Mr Nicotene,

                              get thee behind me Satan!!!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Alley, it isnt easy and I am now hooked on the chewing gum, which annoys everyone, cant understand why I have to chew in places where I couldnt smoke, perhaps the gum is just as bad for me, who knows, but my resolution is to get to 3 bits a day, hope I can but..... Good luck and Take care XX This is year 4 so should be able 2.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Alley,

    I'll be watching your blog closely to pick up any tips. I haven't stopped smoking either .. daft, ridiculous and stupid but there you go we can't all be perfect!

    Good luck,

    Bad Fairy x

  • FormerMember


    have you read Allan Carr 'Easy way to stop smoking' (paperback version)  the key is to only read when you truely want to stop for yourself, you can puff away while reading the book...It worked for me (25 a day for 28years) smoking friends were amazed because I had tried so many ways to stop..several of them did same as me and are now ex smokers...good luck, Annie

  • FormerMember

    Hello ladies and thankyou for your replies,

    Chrissie,it's the nicotine in the gum that's addictive,same as cigarettes so that's probably why you can't quite stop chewing it!

    Bad fairy, I'm a bad Leprechaun, went to Sainsbury's on route to the doc's with my mum who has Parkinson's, passed the stand selling ciggies, I couldn't help it,they were "WINKING" at me, soooo disgusted with myself,but tomorrow is another day! Omg, I need a good slap,lol!

    Annie,think I heard about that book a few years ago,really must check out Eason's when I'm next in town,thankyou!

    You know girls, I've given up before for nearly a year so I know that somewhere inside I can do it,I think it's anxiety that's holding me back!

    Will give it another go tomorrow,promise!!!

    Big hugs to you all,


  • FormerMember

    I have been soooo bad!

    Maybe just not mentally ready or is that just an excuse!!!!

    Shame on me!!!!
