No sleep tonight for me!

Less than one minute read time.

Tomorrow morning, I have to go to my local hospital for my 4 monthly review at the ENT clinic, s**t, why do I let myself get so worked up, so bloody anxious!!

I'll be 2 years post treatment on November, sooo lucky, but the effects of cancer never goes away! It's all about the "what if's" anxiety and depression  with me, at times like this!

Does anyone else get so worked up! Since the end of my treatment, I have a real hard time walking into any hospital, even family births are hard!

Sorry for moaning , I'm going to take the dog for a work now(and have a wee squeal when  nobody is about, Seriously!)

Big Hugs, always,


  • FormerMember

    After Ian was given the all clear, I could never say Ian had 'HAD' cancer. Despite it sounding so negative and defeatest I always still said Ian 'HAS' cancer, even though he was in remission. This was because the treatment he had had left such a mark on him that we were never allowed to put it to the back of our minds. It had such a devastating effect on all aspects of his daily activities of living that we never felt that it had gone. Even when it (supposedly) had.

    I hope all goes well with you for your check up

            Tantan xx

  • FormerMember

    I hope all goes well for you tommorow


  • FormerMember

    Alison, I know just how you are feeling. Not daring to hope for good news so that we don't have to face disappointment.  I so hope you get the best news.  We are all rootng for you, let us know how it goes.

  • FormerMember

    Good luck for tomorrow Alison. The way you are feeling is, I'm sure a familiar one for everyone. Somehow, it's like grey cloud sitting on your shoulder, when you have to go for check ups or get test results, the fear feels overwhelming. Then when you know where you are afterwards, good or bad, you feel better, more in control.  It's the lack of control that makes it so scary.

    Good luck again and I'm sure this time tomorrow you will feel much better!

  • FormerMember

    Hi and thankyou all for your support,

    glad to report that all is well, back again in another 4 months time!

    God bless you all, big hugs,
