Late-stage side- effects!!

Less than one minute read time.

I am currently,just over 2 years post-treatment for Nasopharyngeal Cancer (Head & Neck) and recently I have noticed that I seem to loose my balance,now and again, for no apparent reason!


I know that my treatment can cause hearing problems, but does anyone know if your sense of balance can be effected at this late stage!!

At first I thought that I was just being  a  wee bit clumsy  and I tended to laugh it off but after stumbling ,when I stopped at a pedestrian crossing, I have become a bit anxious!

My next review appointment is for March so if anyone has an answer, I'd be very grateful!



  • FormerMember

    Yes I have the same problem, its not all the time  , just now and again. Infact I have taken to have a walking stick when I go out, because I never know when its going to happen . I think that it has something to do with the hearing which affects the balance .

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jonnie,

                   thank-you for your reply,

                                                        I had a fair idea that it had something to do with the hearing but my mind was starting to go into overdrive!

    I will mention it when I go for my 4 monthly review in March!

    Thank-you once again Jonnie, big hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Hello Mucker,

    Hows things going. Regarding your balance problem Ive been suffering this bloody nusiance for yrs not permantly but every now and then I would be walking around the house the next thing I new I was holding on to the wall or whatever was handy, walking up the stairs is the worst its like 2 up and 1 back. Its got to the stage now where i use 2 elbow sticks, in case I fall over the wee dog.

    I dont know if its my ears or just my old legs,I think the latter.Let me know how you get on at your next appointment. I can only walk about 50 yds anyway so I dont go out much,and I wear an alarm braclet on my wrist just in case.

    Anyway enough idle talk.How are you and the Family keeping ? and my beautiful Maiden City?

    Take Care and Be Safe. Love Mucker from Derry,xx

  • FormerMember

    What about ye,Sarsfield,

                                       Thankyou for your reply mucks, I will certainly let you know how I get on!

    Family are all well and good, how's everything at your end!

    The Town I love so well, is as beautiful as ever and still expanding,building sites everywhere you look.

    When I have one of those wee stumbles, I'm sure, I don't look out of place, especially on a Saturday, walking along Foyle Street, and I'm sure you  know what I mean........ Pubs and Bookies,lol!

    Big Hugs to you and yours,
