Extracts from the Emotional Problems pages.

1 minute read time.

Posted by Sophie T on 8 Dec 2011 9:42 PM


She came to live with us cos she needed 24hour care and we didnt want her in a care home. She was only aloud at a cancer home, where people go to die. So we made her live at ours so we could look after her.


Posted by Sophie T on 8 Dec 2011 10:13 PM


I dont forget because i dont think about her, i forget because its so unreal

- Fantasy ?

Just because she was my nan everyone thinks oh shes just old its ok. She isnt old. She is 63, 

 - Change in tenses.


Posted by Sophie T on 8 Dec 2011 11:02 PM


My nan was at a very special care home. She wasnt there long. They tried to get me to talk to someone, but i just wanted to be with my nan couldnt be bothered with that crap.

- Contradiction with first post, above ?


There’s been nothing on her thread since 15.12.2011.

I’ve just done a site search for “Sophie T’ - No match found.


Probably too late, but I’ve passed my observations on to the Admin’ guys.

I feel sorry for her - not because of her Nan, but because it could be a cry, however bizarre, for help.

Of bigger concern to me, is that people like her are playing with the emotions of people who can little afford it - think “Last Straw” . . .
