think i got the same video here

Less than one minute read time.
i seem to be the same video!!!!!!!!!!! help
  • FormerMember

    The man that wrote that song died a few months ago. The undertaker had a terrible time preparing him, when they put his left leg in his right came out and when ...............................

    Sorry couldn't resist that one.

  • FormerMember

    that really made me chuckle Bren lol

    Alison xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Actually ! It was a woman that wrote it ! IN , out , in out , shake it all about! lol

  • FormerMember

    Hi all

    I know not the Okey thingieme jib

    But <<<<<< thought I would tell you a funny thing as I reminisce on my life

    I once played on a rugby union tour

    At Blackpool of all places

    Both teams so 30 in all where placed on chairs in a circle with a gap

    And the chorus was to the tune “Just singing in the rain “

    But between the choruses it went like this

    Put your thumbs together then just singing in the rain

    Then take your jacket off / put your thumbs together Just singing in the rain

    To cut a long story down

    We all ended up stripped Naked as the song went on

    But to my horror a whistle went and 13 young girls came out of a side room and walked into the circle

    It’s been 22 years since it happened but I can still remember my embarrassment as I stood there naked

    But to make matters worse they all had paper and pens

    And where asking some of the players for their phone numbers

    NO I was not asked for mine <<< blushing still

    And as aside remark

    Room I have a police record which I am sort of proud of

    My friend in the antique game brought a funereal Hearse

    One of the old fashion sort

    We all got decked out in top hats and tails

    And we talked Kath Ledbetter who was then 84 years old and a fellow antique dealer

    But what a lady she was so so funny God bless her

    Dealers still talk about her even after 30 years

    She lay in the back of the hearse with her arms folded and in repose

    And we pulled into a popular pub that had a tea garden

    OH my God I cringe when I think of it

    Wow today with elf and safety I would be writing this behind bars

    Yes I would have been mad if my family had been there but do we all do things we have regretted

    But smiling at the time it was funny

    Every one just scattered

    Alas we all got arrested and got fined £50 each

    I think it could have been worse but the J.P who sat on our case us was a rugby player

    And knew me

    So I was singled out in his summary as the instigator of this dastardly deed

    But he did buy me a pint when we next played against each other

    And told me he had to try so hard  not to smile as he passed sentance

    I go under the knife on Wednesday

    So just bear with me room as I look back at my colourful life

    I just had to share it with some one as my silly memories would have been lost for ever

    Stay safe ever one

    As I look forward to sharing funny things I have done with you all in the near future

    Regards Jimbo

  • FormerMember

    all look forward to hearing your tales Jimbo xxxxx and on behalf of me and i am sure all of this group, well, we will all be thinking about you and will have everything crossed, even if they are arthritic!!!

    lots of love
