The lips of cancer

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The lips of cancer have touched me weather its the kiss of life weather its the kiss of death i do not know i do know that now i live in an uncertain world one that i had never thought could exist in my life i now know what it is to live with fear no day will ever be like it was before this visit i feel that i was ignorant of what has gone before me when cancer has kissed the one's that i loved i saw the outward devastation only i felt the inner turmoil that losing someone brings i never felt the fear that they felt never felt that trauma from within yet i never want anyone to feel as i do now to wonder where happiness went and when sadness begins a sadness that seems so deep rooted within so truly devastating that i don't know where to turn the lips of cancer have touched me kiss of life or kiss of death does it really matter so much life will appear as it has always been to those that the lips of cancer have not touched
  • FormerMember

    From the heart Alison. Always remember you do not take this journey alone. Sad but true. Amongst the devastation friends hold your hands and walk with you along the same path. The future is uncertain for us all. But here we find some small solice through the chaos. Jools x

  • FormerMember

    That's it Alison - you have absolutely crystallised what it feels like.  The knot inside which you can never completely ignore, the uncertainty and the knowledge that life has changed for ever.  Thank you for expressing it so beautifully.  Kate xxx

  • FormerMember

    Not too bad on the eloquence here,Alison (British understatement).

    MORE, please.


  • FormerMember

    always so irregular

    from such an early age

    though by the age of 29

    i'd had three children fine

    sterilization after number three

    not wanting to further add to the family tree

    had the fallopian tubes clipped

    didn't want another blip

    still irregular but didn't mind

    all that changed at 35

    periods regulated for the very first time

    every three weeks without fail

    always knew when to the very day

    normality i thought at last

    even though it was hardly a blast

    i felt so normal, healthy too

    even when i hit 42

    periods can be so fine

    even when you feel like slime

    for me to bleed five days non stop

    and then to have them three weeks off

    i really thought i had it made

    i thought ill health was in the shade

    my oestrogen i was to find

    had made a very special bind

    to cancer cells that hid away

    inside my milk ducts far away

    no longer from my womb does my blood flow

    because of cancer it had to go

    my periods used to be just fine

    then the cancer came to dine