1 minute read time.
what a fantastic weekend, got some really good qaulity time with Debbie and Linda, Linda really should be called Mary Poppins xxxxxxxxxx thank you for all your hard work Linda xxxxxx i think and i hope that the weekend went really well, ok, the weather was crap, and watching those men putting that gazebo up was such a hoot!!!!!!! took a woman to sort em out lol xxxxx but really, the weather didn't matter at all, what really mattered was that we all got on so well, we all did our fair share of laughing (me so much that my throat is hurting!) Paul and Jayne's Hubby Gary made fantastic women (both looking better in my old dresses then i ever did!!!!!!!) Escoffier is such a good chef, my hubby wants her to move in!!!!! and everyone all shared the work load, in fact, i think i did a really good job of being the supervisor lol xxxxxx and yes, there was a few tears, mostly from me!!!!!!! cos i am such a sensitive soul!!!! so thank you all so very much for the lovely flowers, presents, and the fantastic company xxxxxx my neighbours want paul and carol and lesley as permenent house guests!! you are all more than welcome to our home anytime you want. Rolland was so flattered that some of you thought he was my hubby lol, he is now quite gutted that he isn't lol, Neil says a big Hi to you all, like me he thinks you are all fantastic people, and he is right, you arexxxxxxxxxx anyway, as you all now, i could speak for england, so i shall shut up now and i reckon we all need to get concentrating on the "LEISCESTER FIESTA" what a fantastic name that is xxxxxxxxx love as ever Alisonxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx