Anyone else out there like me ???

1 minute read time.

In Feb 2022 I went in for a "routine" op to have my prostate removed "robotically"......but it went wrong.....I ended up with an emergency STOMA after the Consultant, not the surgeon who had introduced himself to me on the morning, had "nicked my bowel" due to complications...

After surgery my 1st blood test showed a reading of 1.9 so I was sent for a PET scan...this showed significant cancer still around the the prostate bed Consultant at the next appointment then informed me that they had "DAMAGED" the prostate on removal ??.

Then comes an appointment with an Oncologist and I end up on 3monthly injections of PROSTAP for 2years,nearly a year completed, with the option of RT once the STOMA has been reversed.....I am still waiting on that 9 months after it should have been done !!!

At my next Oncologist appointment a recent MRI requested by the oncologist has come back as "inconclusive" and he shows me, "nothing to see here" ,...but then I ask to see the original PET scan again and he shows me...he then points to an area and says...these are your seminal vessels and I am surprised to see them still there...they are usually removed ??

My next appointment with Urologist is in 6 weeks...I think they have some questions to answer....have had the wool pulled over my eyes me thinks......

I went for surgery as the cancer was still localised within the prostate and I did'nt fancy the side effects of RT and HT...but here we are with extra man boobs..a fat waist line and fatigue...

