Day 41 and. Day 1

Less than one minute read time.
Just when life could not get any worse and I thought I could not be in more pain my dad died today. I cannot cope with more grief and i cannot go through another funeral only 3 short weeks after my husbands funeral. How e hell do I begin to support my mother and children when my support died 5 weeks and 6 days ago?? Who will support me? I am really frightened tonight as I cant cope on any level and if it wasnt for my lovely kids I would be considering joining two of the greatest men I was ever privileged to know!
  • FormerMember

    You have been so strong and your children need you as much as you need them. My heart goes out to you. 

    Words are so futile but take time. Cry. Hug. Remember. Love the good that you had and have created. 

    Take one hour, one day at a time. 

    We are here. 

    Much love and hugs

  • FormerMember

    Oh I am sorry to read this, and my heart goes out to you. As little rose says, all you can do is take one hour at a time. You and your children will look after each other. You have been so strong, and you will find the strength again.

    Take care of yourself, and know that all the good people here are thinking of you xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hello tintagelwizard - are you there?  Pls just give a quick yes even.  

    Thinking about you.  Hope you're ok.