Day 22

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My husband passed away 22 days ago as the title suggests....he had Mesothelioma and battled for a relatively short time but there again he had a lot to battle with! So I find myself 3 days after his funeral wondering what do I do now, I am so used to the carer then organiser role that I feel redundant! Time is passing very slowly and I never noticed before just how many people, including friends, are part of a unit.....a unit that I don't have anymore. Friends have and are being lovely but I feel lost and scared, no one loves me for just being me...I'm either mom or daughter or friend that needs support not just plain old me. Hmmm not sure where this goes from here, I guess I will play the waiting game and see. I have been off work for 6 weeks now and still do not feel strong enough to return but I feel patience is starting to wear thin with me! Will I ever be ok?
  • FormerMember
    Hello My hubby died 5 weeks ago today. I feel the same as you. Struggling big time today as everyone seems to be away for Easter or having a family day somewhere. I was invited by middle son to have lunch at a restaurant but as yet I can't face going out. The loneliness is overwhelming as is the sense of "What will I do now?". I just can't get my head around the fact that he has gone forever. I can't see me ever accepting it. I know I won't have a choice but it is so horrendous that I can't bear to think about it. I hope you have a 'good' day. It's hard . I can't even be bothered to get up. Take care Hugs Heather
  • FormerMember
    Heather I am also sitting in bed not bothering to move just yet, if it wasn't for both of my children being at home with me at the moment I too would not bother today. All I hope for is that the day passes without incident really, I am not a religious person, so no comfort for me there either! Maybe we should both wish for a "peaceful day" with good days to follow eventually. Wendy xx
  • FormerMember
    As a daughter of a father who is dying of mesothelioma, I find your comments help me prepare how to be with my mother. My sincere love is sent to you both.