Almost 10 weeks

Less than one minute read time.
I went to my first counselling session yesterday. I did think I was referred too early by my GP and so did the counsellor. It was nice to find out that I am completely normal and still in the very first stages of shock after Doug's death. One thing that did help was her likening my topsy turvey world to having fallen off the top of a hill, a very nice hill where Doug and I were together, into a dark deep valley on my own. What I will do in time is start to climb the hill, not the same hill but a new hill and when I am nearing the top my pain will be receding, not forgotten just less painful. I quite liked this analogy and whilst I am nowhere near ready to start the climb upwards I shall keep it in mind.
  • FormerMember
    Hugs to you xxx I lost my mum 12 days ago. Moved back home for a bit first to help care for mum, now helping dad get into a new routine. I've not fell down a hill, but I strangely feel like I've never been here before, walked the streets before?? If that makes sense?? I hope you have people around you, family or friends, to help you through this sad time xxx
  • FormerMember
    Hi how are you coping? I know what you mean when you say you have not walked this path before, life becomes very surreal as people carry on around you but your world has stopped. Hang on in there and be kind to yourself xxx