14weeks tomorrow

1 minute read time.
Totally strange week this week. Last weekend I took my youngest daughter to Iceland for a belated 18th birthday present as this year she was totally overlooked for obvious reasons. It was very hard travelling, not that I haven't travelled alone before but the realisation that when I get home I have no one to share my experiences with. That one person who knew me inside out is not here any more. The thought of this has caused me to be very down for the rest of the week. I also have fond myself getting very angry this week, with no one in particular and for no reason in particular just angry at the world really. This weekend I have chosen to stay at home alone,usually I go out on a Friday as Doug and I always went out on Fridays and it has become an habit, however this Friday I just cannot be bothered...probably as a result of being down all week. I am due to see m counsellor next Friday, I do believe she helps in some small way but I have to get through another week first. Still not managed to work properly, in fact I had a meeting with my boss this week and she has agreed that I can work 3 days instead of 4 for now. Feel like all I do is moan but to be honest somedays I don't :)