12 weeks

1 minute read time.
Cannot believe that yesterday marked three months since Doug's passing, most of it spent in a fog. Thursday saw me and my two girls scatter some of his ashes in the garden of remembrance under a beautiful cherry blossom tree. Very emotional but we did this as my eldest daughter wanted somewhere to go and remember him on her own and when she chose, she didn't feel that the memorial I have in our garden was for her. I am so glad she said something, apparently it took her weeks to decide to mention it as she didn't want to upset me, as I now feel I have a place to go to alone as well. The rest of his ashes are to be scattered worldwide as and when I travel with the next spot being southern Spain in August. The only down side to this is the nasty text I received from Doug's daughter berating me for not telling her and her siblings that I had scattered their dads ashes, the dad they couldn't be bothered to visit until he was really poorly, the dad that one daughter ignored for 3 years for no reason.... i have offered twice now to let them have some of his ashes so that they can scatter them if the choose to, now I am to be ignored it seems. Oh well as if life wasn't hard enough this is just something that has to be endured and in the big scheme of things doesn't bother me as much as it did. I have yet to return to work properly after over 16 weeks off as I still cannot comprehend everyone going about their normal lives when my world is shattered.