Advice Please

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Hi I’m new to the group. I had a clear mammogram 3 weeks ago. I have them yearly as I had breast cancer 12 years ago. I noticed a lump a week ago and was sent to the hospital. I went to the hospital this Tuesday. The doctor said it felt like a cyst and said we will send you for an ultrasound, they did this and then said they needed to do a core biopsy! Do they do this even if it looks like a cyst? I was sent back to see the original doctor but he got held up with an emergency that had come in. The nurse told me that someone would be in touch with my results, she said they would be back by next Thursday. I’m getting myself in a right state now, thinking the worst like you do. I also noticed on my nhs app that an appt has been made for me, for next Friday to see a care coordinator at my doctors surgery But I have no idea why they have made me this appt or even what the appt is for? Can anyone help with this? Thankyou ladies xx

  • hi, can't really give much in the way of advice , but I can't see  why you don't contact gp surgery and ask them directly.....I get that you are worried not knowing what's what but the main thing is they are doing some thorough investigating which is better than not covering all bases. I think you would  be more likely to get advice if you popped your query onto the main breast cancer forum rather than the blogs page, as there is a lot more activity over there and I am sure you'll get some help xxx

  • Thanks for your reply. And thanks have put it on the main breast cancer page, as I’m new I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Sorry Disappointed