Trying to cope with my Mums breast cancer, advice/support needed

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Hi All

Very new to this and not quite sure how it will work, I am looking for some advice and support as i am trying to come to terms with my Mums breast cancer, she has just had her second lot of chemo (on Friday) but was hospitalised with sepsis after the first dose in week two. Consultant gave her the option to give up the treatment as there is a risk it may happen again but she refused and is carrying on. I am finding it really hard to see her unwell, she has never been poorly, i'm an only child and she has two wonderful grandchildren, after seeing her today very weak and tired, losing her hair now too i really wonder how i will keep brave, i feel guilty that i am not stronger and know it is likly to get worse and i am scared of how i will cope although really how selfish i am being after all im not going through half as much as her. I guess/hope these feelings a normal but others opinions will be welcome.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Adele,

    If you look at the top of this page your will see Cancer Information,left  click on this and it will open another window which will explain all the necessary things you would need to know about your Mums Cancer and other relevant information. Which I hope will be of help.

    All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Adele

    I speak to you as the mother of an only child, though she is just 16. She was 15 last year when I went through my treatment. Believe me as rough it will be at times not every day will be bad and you will get through it together.

    I was hospitalised with sepsis about three chemos in but it never happened again as I was given booster shots the day after chemo to reduce the risk. I know you can still get it but it's not a foregone conclusion.

    Even though you'e not having the treatment it does still affect you. My daughter was a tower of strength to me last year. Your Mum will have no expectations of you, just knowing you're there will be enough.

    This is the thing with this disease - patients feel guilty for being ill, carers feel guilty becuse it's not them, parents feel guilty for being a burden, kids feel guilty for not doing enough and having a life and round and round we go.

    So just do the little things, help where you can, listen when she needs to talk - even if you don't like what she's saying, forgive her when she rants and don't judge her on the days he snaps at you for no reason, she does love you very much.

    Hope the road is not too rocky for you both. Wishing you both much strength, I pomise you will get through it.

    Love and Hugs

    Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Adele, sorry you are finding it hard to cope with your mum's breast ca - but then, as a family, we all suffer when a loved one has cancer and the effects it has on our loved ones.  I personally nearly died after my first dose of chemi - fec - so much so that when I finally recovered sufficiently I was too late to start chemo.  That was in 2007 and I'm still here living, laughing, grabbing each day with gusto.  My daughter whose 21 now is at University about to take her final year for a BA (Hons) at London School of Fashion and I cannot tell you how proud I am of her.  She, like you, didn't know how to cope and found herself feeling very loney at times when I was in hospital - but we all came through and you will come through too.  Don't feel you are being selfish with your feelings, admit them to your mum and you will both be greatly comforted by one another's honesty and love.  She's still your mum and she needs you like she always has  - just like you need her.  So cancer doesn't stop us living, loving, laughing, crying, it just gets in the way a lot but it goes so quickly.  I hope to see you and mum in a picture when you all get through the other side.  God bless, strength to your mum and love to you.  Ann x