Radial scar removed

1 minute read time.
The radial scar has been removed, replaced by a 10cm horizontal scar. It was such a relief to get the surgery over with, Wednesday 23rd January was a very long day, hospital running late so I did not get into theatre until 5.30 which was the time they were expecting to discharge me. The Consultant said to me, don't worry you will have your operation today, I was relieved to hear this as I'd had a wire put in at 10 that morning. The operation took about an hour, the general anaethetic was fine gently drifted in and out of 'sleep'.I am glad to say that neither the wire or operation gave me any pain at all! Either there was some amazing painkillers in the drip, or I've been very lucky! i looked for the scar as soon as I could, I was surprised firstly where it was, Id been told at the preassesment it would be round the side vertical hidden by my arm, what I ended up with was straight across the top. I was also not expecting to see much but with the clear adhesive dressing I could see the scar in all it's gory glory! At 10pm I was still IV'd up and the night shift nurses said I could stay overnight if I wanted, so I made the sensible decision to stay where I was. The next morning I went home. A week later the dressing was removed they do come off quite easily, I was concerned it would pull all the stitches but no, it was fine. The dressings really are waterproof, I was showering no problem and didn't need to use spare dressings i was given. I want to get going with the bioOil as it is all healed but I think I'll wait till I've seen the Consultant next Wednesday. Hoping for the final all clear if not I've been warned there could be more surgery and/or treatment, whatever happens I comfort myself with the knowledge the radial scar is gone, they can test it thoroughly, any treatment I may need I can get now instead of years down the line.