
2 minute read time.

How can this happen? This wasnt supposed to happen, I wasnt told it COULD happen?

The January check up was fine, bloods all normal CA125 10 and C9-19 10 also. My GP had asked me to mention that my ESR (Rheumy blood) had risen again, this was dismissed by my Oncologist.

I was due my next check up in May........May came and no word from the hospital, so I rang, to be told I was on a "Waiting list" for a review appointment. I kept ringing for a week and eventually got an appointment for the 15th June, 1 month late. Meanwhile I was absolutely fine but my ESR was still rising and my GP was concerned.  She wrote to my Oncologist and demanded further investigation.

At my appointment, I had the usual poking and prodding etc and the Oncologist said that she really didnt think there was anything to worry about, she hadnt heard, seen or felt anything of concern but because my ESR was so high that she would organise a CT scan.......to shut my GP up!

Lovely NHS meant there would a 4-6 week wait for a scan.......I organised a private one but it took a further week for my Oncologist to refer me!!

I had my scan on 28th June, and the radiologist told me my CA125 had risen........I got a bit hysterical!!!!! It took a further 8 days to see my Oncologist again to get the results.....that was Tuesday 6th July.

I was on my own and was told I have a 3cm lesion in my liver, I was just numb, couldnt even ask sensible questions.  I did ask if I was now terminal and she just put her head down.  She couldnt look me in eye. She mentioned that she was going to look at possible liver resection (Slim chance of) but that she has to go to the Multi Disciplinary team next week first.  I was there about 15 minutes, I couldnt talk, she wasnt volunteering any info, I just had to get out of there.....so I left......in very bad shape!

Right now this is all I know......I dont know if it is on the liver or in the liver. There seems to be some confusion about why its at the liver at all.....and they think it HAS to be somewhere else too. 

I feel SO let down by my Oncologist and the NHS in general.....I know this couldnt have been stopped but it should have been caught a lot earlier. I know if I dont have the operation that I will only have palliative chemo. Im angry, confused and just dont know where to turn.

I am SO scared and completely out of control of this.........I know I could only have months left to live........why cant they just DO something!!!!!

  • FormerMember


    Sorry to hear that this has happened. I know for my Dad he feels the same about the deferals and what feels like being a non priority.

    When have you got another appointment.

  • FormerMember

    This sounds all to familar to me love, why don't they listen to what we have to say. I was diagnosed with OC in March 2008 and in June when I had my op after a vital scan was forgotten about, they found the cancer had spread rapidly and they didn't expect me to make it but somehow I did. I went into remission for a year and then I felt something wasn't right, went back to my GP and was sent for a scan, I was right, it was back and once again a vital scan was forgotten, I went mad at my team, so I know how you must be feeling. If they had acted sooner, I wouldn't have been in the situation I'm in now, yes it would have happend but it wouldn't have got out of hand like it did. I could scream for you love....love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    So sorry Abfab to hear your news.  I don't have first hand knowledge of how you are feeling but we did go through this with my husband.

    My heart goes out to you

    Love and hugs Stacey xxxx

  • The further I get down this cancer route the angrier I get when I hear of the way that people are being let down time and time again. I really feel for you but don't give up hope. It could be that you can have an operation to remove the tumour from your liver.I will keep everything crossed for you.


    Cathie xx

  • FormerMember

    I Feel so sorry for you time and again this is happening,and if your looking for proof go no further than this site,Im Lucky I have been in remission now for7yrs. But you can bet on it that it will come back somewhere,the thing is I dont know where or when,Just that it will be back. I would have a word with your medical team and let them know it would be very KIND if they would tell you whats going on.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx