Is this really happening??? :-)

1 minute read time.

I am in complete shock!! Last Thursday I received a phone call from the Mater Hospital saying they had received a referral letter  from my Oncologist and that they wanted to see me on Monday!!

I went, thinking they were going to tell me why any further treatment wasnt possible, as this is what I had been previously told after all my problems last year.

The surgeon wants to do a 40% liver resection, removing ALL my cancer!! It is the same surgeon I saw last year before my health went tits up and he believes that because I proved everyone wrong that I deserve this chance! He has to meet with the MTD on Friday and will see me again next Monday to discuss surgery date! OMG!!!  He also said that if for some reason at the MTD that surgery was ruled out that they would also discuss RFA or chemo embolisation of the tumour but he would rather do surgery as that is always the best option.

This goes to show folks that we should NEVER give up, fight on when you believe you can. To think that I was sent home from hospital in December with a palliative care team when they didnt think I would make it..........look at me now, back at work full time and being given a second chance!!! 

I will obviously keep you all updated....happy days!!!!
