Gosh..so this it what normal feels like!

2 minute read time.

I’m in my ‘good week’ of my three week chemo cycle…well… usually its about a week but this cycle its been foreshortened by the stinky cold that lingered and lingered.

Yesterday I felt quite chipper and was booked in for a PETCT scan down in Cambridge. The mobile unit that in the leaflet looked to be parked in a green and pleasant land turns out to be in a car park at Addenbrookes hospital. They inject you with radioactive glucose (even the syringe is lead enclosed..and the man that does the injection scarpers fairly fast). They then sit you in a waiting room for an hour (well spaced out so the patients don’t set up some sort of exponential build up of radioactivity bouncing off each other). Then once fully charged one lies on a bed that goes through a tube for a bit and then you are sent on your merry way and told not to hug any chidren, puppies or pregnant ladies for a few hours.

By the time I’d wandered down to find Jane in the hospital food court and eaten some Burger King fodder (which just feels perverted in a hospital) I was feeling knackered and needed a lie down..or three.

Jane went to London to have a discussion with some feminist types on the radio and the boy and I had a very laid back evening distributing lego accross his bedroom floor.

Today… we were up early as its choir practise on Tuesday mornings before school. I dropped the boy off (little knowing there was no choir practice this week and he’d have to spend forty minutes in the library with all the other children whose parents can’t read e-mails) and took the dog for a walk. He couldn’t believe his luck as its possibly the first walk in  several weeks. He made friends with a beagle, got very muddy and I suspect found some fox shit as theres a queer smell in the dining room tonight and if its not him it’s me…so I’m counting on it being him.

Then home, did some washing, some tidying…. went to hospital to have some blood taken and see the consultant… came home…visited the hairdressers accross the road for a catch up… had lunch…. did more washing… made supper (lamb shoulder, butternut squash, carrots and roast potatoes), walked to school and picked the boy up… ate supper… took boy to cubs even though he wasn’t feeling totally well, picked Jane up from town….

A normal day…. and it felt brilliant to be doing it all.

I suspect I’m going to have another good day tomorrow before chemo again on Thursday…. I’ve got a list of things to do building already.
