Junior Favourites

2 minute read time.

I feel its time for another walk but am too unwell at the moment for the real thing.  So I thought one or two of you may enjoy a Saturday morning walk in the early fifties down memory lane.

So switch the Radio on...that's the one that does not have a screen..wait for it to warm up and then retune it from Radio Luxemburg (That's Keynsham K E Y N S H A M Bristol, Horace Bachelor) to the BBC Light Program.

The first tune that comes to my mind is probably a Freudian slip.  Tick tock tick tock and the clock stopped never to go again when the old man died,  quickly followed by the Old Windmill of Amsterdam..theres a mouse where..there on the stair, where on the stair just there..how could you not sing a long to it.   Now onto the tear jerker..danny Kay and the ugly duckling,,all the winter long he hid away until he had changed into a beautiful swan...we then quickly gallop off with a silly old ram who's doing his best to knock a hole in a dam,,why was that?  talking of galloping we cannot have a program without dear Doris Day can we..The Black hills of Dakota and calamity Jane,,what a pure voice...and again if we are galloping,  have a look around the wagon..are there only three wheels and the Cherokees are after me.... remember those days friends..when you could go over the woods or fields to play and the only worry was getting home in time for tea...and if there was a problem then there was always the Laughing Policeman....and I vaguely have a recollection of Two Knights..I think Terry Wogan mad a thing of it years ago perhaps one of you TOGS can remember it....and what about Charlie Drake and his boomerang...did it ever come back,,,I made one as a kid from a diagram in a book and it broke my wrist when I tried to catch it!!

The only risqué song I can recall was She wore Red Feathers and a hooly hooly skirt

Finally could you ever have a program without the runaway train..the last I heard it is going still..

They were days that seemed so much more innocent than now..

So I hope I have brought some good memories back for one or two of you..I seem to enjoy looking backwards more and more now..perhaps because there is not a lot of forwards left I don't know..but focus on god times..innocent times of sunshine and long school holidays without all the worries and anxieties of the adult world we grew up into.

Tread Softly friends.





  • Hello Stefon ahh yes so many memories.I can remember all of them.My mum signing along and the summer well those days the sun always seemed to shine and days seemed long.Sundays listening to Two Way Family Favourites,jimmy Clithero and round the horn.Laughing till our sides ached.Televisions where a luxury only the well off could afford.My brother and I making go carts and searching for pram wheels to fit on it..Health and safety these days would never allow them they didn't have breaks or crash helmets.Snow ball fights and using your mums oven tray to slide down Icy hills.I could ramble on Thank you for your blog it made me smile Cruton x
  • FormerMember

    Hello Stefon ... like Cruton your blog made me smile, too ! Listening to the latest pop songs on Radio Luxemburg at night under the bed covers so that my parents wouldn't hear ... and indeed the famous Horace Bachelor ( although I shan't mention the 'then famous D J of the time ! )

    Mum's gas-heated washing machine with it's manual mangle ... pulley in the kitchen to dry / air clothes. The icy frosty patterns on the inside of the bedroom windows, no central heating back then ... only the coal fire and a paraffin heater in the kitchen. So many memories.

    We played outside in those days ... coming in at teatime or when it started to go dark. My brother built those carts, too ... !  

    Joycee x


  • FormerMember

    Hello Stefon.  Thank you so much for a very enjoyable walk down Memory Lane.  Like Joycee I spent many an happy hour listening to Radio Luxemburg on a tiny transistor radio hidden under my pillow.  I also have fond memories of Toytown which I would listen to with my mother on the wireless in the lounge.  My favourite character was Dennis the Dachshund.  I also enjoyed another programme around the same time about a schoolboy called Jennings. 

    You have inspired me now to go and dig out a video I have of Watch With Mother.  My favourites were the Woodentops.  A perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon. 

    Thanks for the memories x

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou all,  so nice not to be alone when that's exactly how you feel, Cliverow,  woodentops,, and Joycee, brilliant soapbox cart..thankyou all for being there.x.Stefon

  • FormerMember

    Stefon, another one to make you smile ... ?  : ) x