Picko's in the wars again

Less than one minute read time.

Just a few lines to let you know how Picko is getting on. Those of you who remember John will know that he was given 3 months to live in January this year. Well he has had a few slices of sutent which apart from nearly killing him has worked wonders - the damage to his pelvis has started self healing, the tumours in his kidney have reduced as have the spots in his liver and pancreas but the side effects of sutent got so bad they had to take him off it.

The main issue is that since he has stopped the sutent the lymph nodes in his chest have grown at an alarming rate - they gave him another course of sutent and they started shrinking but he can't take anymore so he is finding swallowing difficult but breathing is becoming worrying. The plan now is to give him five shots of radiotherapy and then scan to see what is going on.

Picko has got a rare genetic disease than manifests itself in various illnesses including cancer. ANy messages of support would be appreciated.


Keep smiling







  • FormerMember

    Hi Drew


    I feel for you both I really do.  It is so hard watching someone you love suffer as I am finding out only too well.


    I hope the radiotherapy works for John and his pain gets easier.


    Much love,

    Chrissie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Drew and John.Many HUGSxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sending love and prayers, I was in Westminster Cathedral this afternoon and lit a candle for all those suffering from cancer and their families and friends that are affected by it. My thoughts are with you. J xx

  • FormerMember

    Poor Picko, that does not sound like he's having a good time at the moment. All the best to you both and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the radiotherapy does its work and blasts those b*stard cancer cells into oblivion.

    Thinking of you both, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    sorry you're having such a tough and frustrating time but wishing you all the very best, Picko - glad you've got Drew in your corner - thinking of you both x x