A New Year Still Wondering What Happened

  • Twelfth Night


    It's the twelfth day of Christmas today and I feel like celebrating but it feels wrong without her.

    When you've just lost someone you take ages to do things. I've just taken nearly three days to tax the car, get the insurance and MOT straight and do the vehicle registration.  There was then a hair-raising trip along a freezing Thames to get the tax disc from the DVLA before it closed.  Then the journey back…

  • It's Like London during the Blitz



    It's the fourth day of 2011 and I feel as if I am still wandering around the bombsite left by my mother's death from secondary breast cancer.

    Today I found out from a good friend of my mother's that what I had suspected all along was true: my step-brother's partner took my mother's diaries and address books from her hospital room just after she had died, while she was still warm, while…